Empowered Crystals Reiki crystal jewellery & homeware

Phantom Quartz

The phantom is caused by a pause in the crystals growth, leaving a partial or complete "phantom" within the crystal after it continued to grow. This pause in growth can last for thousands of years. The phantom can appear as a fine white veil or as a coloured mineral. The stone represents growth, apparent inactivity and rebirth... Out of limitation appears something of beauty. Phantom quartz is thought to help us cope with struggles & stresses in life & help us to realise these times are needed in order to grow. They help to instil a sense of "magic" many of us lost  along the way. They are a good stone for the spiritual seeker, showing how our inner foundations is reflected in our outer actions.

It is also reputed to help activate healing processes & also to bring powerful energy to the healing process.


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